742: David Sands on Bamboo in Construction

Using to bamboo to help address the climate crisis. David Sands shares his journey from trying to be a better steward for the planet and how that evolved into him starting a business offering bamboo wood for building lumber. We learn why this is such a renewable resource and some of its unique aspects that can help as we seek solutions for the climate crisis.

599: Building Healthy Soil with Five Essential Components

Farmer Greg under a tree

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice, in short bite-size episodes – Greg kicks off this episode with answering two questions from our listeners that focus on aspects of looking at pest management from a different angle. Tying into our main focus, Greg shares with us the concept of understanding natural pest management and…

596: Patti Milligan on Saliva and the Immune System

Improving our body’s resilience to environmental and emotional stressors – This week we delve into the world of saliva research as we speak with Patti Milligan on the importance of healthy saliva production. Patti describes how our saliva production can be impacted by the foods we eat and when we eat those certain foods that create…

570: Matt Arthur on Bokashi Composting

Composting food anaerobically – Composting provides many benefits to the garden, yet, people hesitate to compost for various reasons, mainly the aggresive odors that come with the process. However, Matt Arthur is utilizing a composting system on his farm not common to…

441: Jill Shea as a Woman in the World of Aquaponics

Jill Shea

Finding purpose in educating about indoor farming . In This Podcast: We had the pleasure of talking aquaponics with Jill Shea from Trifecta Ecosystems. Trifecta Ecosystems practices sustainable farming in their aquaponics farm and educates the community to grow their own food as part of the…

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