711: Holiday Gardening Gifts

A Garden Chat with Greg, Janis, and Doreen. – The holidays are just around the corner, and we all love to share gifts from our heart with our friends and family. Join us as we share our ideas for some cool gardening gifts both from and for the garden. This is sure to be an inspiration filled class. Our team members Janis Norton and Doreen Pollack joined Greg in this fabulous brainstorming session.

708: Joel Fuhrman on Eating for Life

Using Nutrition To Prevent And Reverse Disease. We have an amazing chat with Dr. Joel Fuhrman about how our food choices make such a huge difference in our health. This is a full-length interview with many of his tips and recommendations to achieve good health without relying on pills. He offers a natural eating plan that reduces disease and maximizes longevity. This is one interview you will want to listen to a few times just to get all the great details.