Urban Farm's GARDEN Nutrition Schedule

This page is an expanded and updated version of our Nutrition Schedule for Vegetable Gardens which use the same fertilizing products as fruit trees yet on a different timeline. Below you will find the three different ways to fertilize and the seasonal application guide. 

We want you to succeed so we provide many ways to help and this is just one of them.

We also have posted online our Fruit Tree Nutrition Schedule. For a laminated version of both our Garden and Fruit Tree Nutrition Schedules click HERE

Methods of Application:
(3 ways to fertilize)


 2-3 times a year 


Level of Care


Rejuvenate gardens 2-3 times a year. Side dress high-water use crops like tomatoes every 2 weeks when they are fruiting.

Application methods:

Whole garden rejuvenation: Mix organic fertilizer & minerals together with new compost or soil in wheel barrow. Spread over garden area and mix in lightly. Water well and let rest before planting.

Side Dressing or small area feeding. Dig several small holes in soil around vegetables, near edge of plants. Divide mix among the holes. Cover back with soil and mulch. Follow up with regular watering.

Ratios per 10 sq feet of garden space:

Fertilizer: 1/2 Cup organic granular fertilizer. We recommend BioFlora and Tank’s SuperMix as locally made organic fertilizer. Local pick up available.

Minerals: 2 cups of Azomite. We recommend granules

Pro Tip: If planting from seeds add a 1.5 tablespoons of mycorrhizae (“myco”) to the rejuvenation mix. If planting from starts add small pinch or light sprinkle of myco to each hole.



1 to 2 x Month


Level of Care


1-2 applications per month once crops are 4 inches or larger. Apply between plants around root zone, follow with regular watering.

Do not drench if soil is too cold to work.

Ratios per 10 sq feet of garden space:

1 capful each of preferred combination in one gallon water 

Use one or both nutrients NOBLE GILLS & ESSENCE,
plus one or both acid formulas HEART & SOUL. (At least one nutrient, and at least one acid).

Optional if not doing foliar spraying as well: This will not produce as rapid or as strong results as directly foliar feeding but will deliver the nutrients to the plants through the root system. As a substitute for foliar feeding add the foliar mixture to the drench solution. 




Levels of Care

Ultra Success


1 application per week, weather permitting. Spray solution on tops & bottoms of leaves & branches until dripping from leaves. Do not spray flowers, resume once fruit has set/formed. AVOID DIRECT SUNLIGHT, high heat, & freezes. Best when air temps around 70-75°. Stop foliar feedings two weeks before harvest. Pour remaining solution in soil. (Half this dosage in ½ gallon for smaller gardens.)


In one gallon of water mix 2 capfuls each of:
Noble Gills, Essence, and Soul

We highly recommend HyKreations liquid amendments as locally made organic solutions which we offer in a special 4 quart bundle including 1 quart of Heart free. Both local pick up and shipping available.

HyKreations 1 capful = ~7ml.   6 caps = ~1oz

Pro tip: Let your garden skip a season or two. Grow a cover crop and turn into soil before it goes to seed.

 Seasonal Application Guide:

December, January, February


Mix into soil before planting winter crops.


Use all four liquids if you have them or mix your preferred solution. Apply before normal watering. 


Apply just before dusk. Do not apply during or before freezing temps. Avoid freezing temperatures. Apply to tops and bottoms of leaves just before dusk to avoid direct sunlight on droplets. 

March, April, May


Mix into soil before planting spring crops.


Use all four liquids if you have them or mix your preferred solution. Apply before normal watering.


Apply just before dusk. Do not apply during or before freezing temps. Avoid freezing temperatures. Apply to tops and bottoms of leaves just before dusk to avoid direct sunlight on droplets. 

June, July, August


Mix into soil before planting summer crops to help rejuvenate the soil.


Use all four liquids if you have them or mix your preferred solution. Apply before normal watering.


Apply just before dawn. Avoid extreme heat & triple digit weather. Switch to only using drench applications if early morning temps stay above 85 degrees.

September, October, November


Mix into soil before planting fall crops. 


Use all four liquids if you have them or mix your preferred solution. Apply before normal watering.


Start when early morning temps dip below 80 degrees. Avoid extreme heat, triple digit weather, & let dry before direct sun contact. Stop foliar feedings 2 weeks before harvest.

A little note about our education program.

We have have been creating fruit tree and gardening educational content for several decades. A few years ago we started gathering all the fruit tree content in our Fruit Tree Member Resources area in an online portal. This member area includes a full contingent of educational videos and most of our PDF resources that can be downloaded. We encourage you to check it out by clicking HERE

Portal access is separate from our online General Store so you may need to create a new password. Access to the Fruit Tree member resources is free and granted automatically for those for anyone who has purchased trees or supplies through our Online General Store. This is the same portal that houses all of the Urban Farm U courses like Jump Start Your Urban Farm and Growing Food The Basics. 

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