706: Indoor Gardening of Salads

A Garden Chat with Peter Burke.


On the fourth Tuesday every month we host The Urban Farm Garden Chats where Greg Peterson has a relaxed conversation in a Zoom room with a special guest to cover useful gardening topics, and they answer questions from the live listening audience. This interview is then released the next month in our podcast. To join us for the next live event, go to www.GardenChat.org or
Click HERE to register for the Monthly Garden Chat with Live Q&A

In This Garden Chat:

It makes sense to keep our herb gardens close to our kitchens for easy access, and for some people that means gardening indoors. There are a variety of culinary options to our inside gardens and this month Janis stepped in to chat with Peter Burke to get some useful and inspirational tips for practical gardening indoors – with a focus on growing a fresh salad in only seven days.

Our Special Guest:

Peter has been teaching gardening classes since 2006 when he started presenting workshops on Indoor salad gardening. He also teaches about square foot gardening, extending the gardening season, and more. His website HowToGarden.com where he supports the need for specialized seeds for indoor salad gardening. He is the host of In The Garden on WDVE radio Vermont. He lives with his family in Calais Vermont and is the author of Year-round Indoor Salads.



– Why do we need an indoor garden
– Reaching back to his younger years and growing sunflower seeds – Adjusting his growing process to reduce the space needed for a tossed salad weekly – How his kids influenced what he grew – Harvest is 7-10 days from planting!! – Why ambient lighting works for this process – Sharing his secret to success – Comparing home grown to farmers market (Both better than grocery store!) – Soil requirements and what to add to each tray – Tray size and style – Seed preparation – Starting the seeds – The preferred temperatures for indoor germination – How to prepare a salad mix yourself – Growing herbs indoors – How much seed to start with for some common seeds – Reviewing the process and talking about which seeds work better than others – Harvesting tips – What to do with the left over soil – Protecting from pests – His Favorites and recommendations – His book – Year Round Salad Garden

Editor’s Note:

Check out Peter’s Book Year-Round Indoor Salad Gardening available at a book store near you, online at Chelsea Greene or Amazon. Also – if you are looking for BULK seeds, check out GreatAmericanSeedUp.org



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