479: Katie Fiore on Apple Abundance

How to get creative with 80 pounds of fruit. — In This Podcast: We are back with returning guest and team member, Katie Fiore to talk about getting creative when your yard gives you an excess of food. While many people fear abundance, she embraces the creativity it allows and shares a different way to look at cooking…

475: David Barrow on Sustainable Urban Farming in Texas

Farming for a local restaurant and a rapidly growing community. — In This Podcast: It was not a direct path to this destiny for David Barrow, but running a sustainable urban farm in Austin Texas has been his biggest success. With many regenerative and sustainable practices in use on the farm it is no wonder the soil is…

472: Angela Neyland on Permaculture Homestead

Focusing on sustainable growing practices on 20-acres down under. — In This Podcast: We meet Angela Neyland as she tells us why an old TV comedy series influenced her and how she found permaculture. With this foundation, she shares the journey that led her and her husband to start a permaculture based homestead. She describes…

Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson

Bonus Episode 29: Seed Saving Class July 2019

A chat with a seed expert. — In This BONUS Podcast: We join a replay of the July 2019 live Seed Saving Class conversation with Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson where they cover extreme seed saving, how out-of-normal temps affect plant pollination, adapting for temperature changes, and more…

RECIPE: Beth’s Crazy Mesquite Cake

After attending Peggy Sorensen’s recent talk on mesquite, I tried making flour using a coffee grinder, and wanted to try it in a recipe.  So I adapted a crazy cake recipe (it’s also called wacky cake or depression cake, since the recipe originated during the depression when eggs, milk and butter were hard to come by).  I needed to make it gluten free, and since mesquite flour is so sweet, decided to try to omit the sugar (it worked!).

456: Raven Venturelli on Permaculture for the Small Farm

Bringing a whole system approach of design and nature to the farm. — In This Podcast:Taking a permaculture course as a young adult gave Raven Venturelli the confidence and inspiration to start her own farm. However, finding land in California to develop her nature-based farming concepts was difficult…

Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson

Bonus Episode 28: Seed Saving Class May 2019

A chat with a seed expert. — In This BONUS Podcast: Once again we join a conversation with Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson to learn about growing from seed, growing for seed, and why our seeds are so important in these changing times. This is the replay of the May 2019 Seed Saving Class…

448: Luke Allen on True Breeding Seeds

Stewarding future crops through considerate cultivation and harvesting of seeds. — In This Podcast: In the pursuit of resetting his health, Luke Allen took a four-day fasting journey and ended up taking his life in a new direction.  Eventually he resettled, started growing food, and seeds! With his experience as…

Volunteer squash, melon, and gourds

Bonus surprises from soil experiments By Janis Norton. – What happens when you experiment in your yard? For me and my Two Peace in a Pod Urban Farm, it is an amazing bonus crop of pumpkins, squash, watermelons, sunflowers, and onions! For last several seasons, I have not been ready to do any serious new garden work since I was busy with work, and as a result…