708: Joel Fuhrman on Eating for Life
Using Nutrition To Prevent And Reverse Disease. We have an amazing chat with Dr. Joel Fuhrman about how our food choices make such a huge difference in our health. This is a full-length interview with many of his tips and recommendations to achieve good health without relying on pills. He offers a natural eating plan that reduces disease and maximizes longevity. This is one interview you will want to listen to a few times just to get all the great details.
707: Steve Churchill on Worm Composting
707: Steve Churchill on Worm Composting. Simplifying vermicomposting and making it easy for anyone to start. In This Podcast: A chance encounter at a farmers market led Greg to meet […]
706: Indoor Gardening Of Salads
A Garden Chat with Peter Burke. – It makes sense to keep our herb gardens close to our kitchens for easy access, and for some people that means gardening indoors. There are a variety of culinary options to our inside gardens and this month Janis stepped in to chat with Peter Burke to get some useful and inspiration tips for practical…
705: How Do You Store Your Seeds
A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – “How do you store your seeds?” is the most asked question we get in all our educational programs. Our quick answer: keep your seeds cool, dark, and dry. That is the mantra. But there are a few other tricks of the trade to make sure that your seeds will germinate year…
704: Clara Roza on Conquering Australian-sized Farming Challenges
704: Clara Roza on Conquering Australian-sized farming challenges. growing food while overcoming droughts, record rains and floods, and catastrophic fires. In This Podcast: We are releasing this podcast without […]
703: Justin “Jules” Giuliano on Earth Friendly Potting Soil
Educating about soil and planetary health with peat free planting mix. – Justin “Jules” Giuliano may be a relative newcomer to the garden, but his love of the outdoors and his willingness to make mistakes have grown into a lifelong passion for the soil. Combining that passion with his roots in…
702: Starting Your Fall Garden
A Garden Chat with Christy Wilhelmi. – Now is the perfect time to get a ‘kick in the pants’ on starting back into our fall gardening. Christy Wilhelmi, frequent Urban Farm Podcast guest and author of Garden Variety, joins us for this month’s Garden Chat to help dig into different aspects about one of the best…
700: Rebecca Newburn on Creating Local Seed Libraries
Helping people share seeds in their community. – Rebecca Newburn’s vision was to start seed libraries, not just locally, but all over the world. To accomplish this goal, she created an easy roadmap for others to follow and then made it easily available to everyone. Learn how important seed libraries are, how you…
699: Jeffrey Smith on Protecting the Microbiome
Raising public awareness about the dangers of gene editing. – Jeffrey Smith returns to the Urban Farm Podcast to talk about what he calls “GMO 2.0”, an easily attainable technology with the power to permanently change the genetic makeup of every living thing on earth. The foods we eat are already being…
698: Andrew Millison on The Permaculture Water Summit
Creating a hopeful future through how we manage our water. – Andrew Millison, an experienced and enthusiastic permaculture teacher, announces his upcoming online Permaculture Water Summit. He spells out the serious problems facing the world today, then shares his passionate belief that quick…