676: Journaling and Learning, Growing from the past.

A Garden Chat with Kari Spencer.


On the last Tuesday every month we host The Urban Farm Garden Chats where Greg Peterson has a relaxed conversation in a Zoom room with a special guest to cover useful gardening topics, and they answer questions from the live listening audience.  To join us for the next event, go to www.GardenChat.org or
Click HERE to register for the Monthly Garden Chat with Live Q&A

In This Garden Chat:

Did you know that keeping a garden journal can help you to grow bigger and better vegetables?  Kari Spencer, author of City Farming and Vegetable Gardening Journal & Logbook, will discuss the kinds of records that are important to keep, how to plan, and what to log anecdotally in a garden journal.  She will share her personal record-keeping style, as well as tips about various journaling methods and technologies.  Discover how planning and journaling can make you a better gardener with less stress over time.


Our Special Guest:

Kari Spencer is a popular local gardening & homesteading speaker. As a Master Gardener and a Master Farmer, she enjoys sharing her passion for growing and raising food with others. In addition to teaching classes all over the city of Phoenix, she is the creator of Urban Farm U’s Growing Food the Basics & Backyard Livestock courses. She and her family operate The Micro Farm Project, a small farm in North Phoenix, where gardens and livestock animals provide her family with fun and food. Kari is the author of Vegetable Gardening Journal: A weekly tracker and logbook. 


  • Greg is leaving his “3- mile triangle”
  • Getting to know your gardening space through journaling
  • Using technology to journal
  • Mapping what you are growing
  • Keeping track…what should you be logging?
  • Writing down your observations is key.
  • Adding to your journal year after year for even more insight
  • Discovering the journaling method that works for you
  • Helpful gardening information included in Kari’s journal
  • Get your own copy of Kari’s book: Vegetable Gardening Journal: A weekly tracker and logbook


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