738: Edmund Williams on The Phoenix Backyard Garden Program

Changning the face of food in Phoenix. Ed joins Greg on the podcast to bring us up to date on the project he is tackling in the heart of Phoenix to transform the world of urban agriculture with one simple way of growing food. Ed has been working hard to create a system that will make a difference in reducing food deserts at a level that the individual gardener can reach, yet can be supported by cities anywhere. He goes further and explains what democratizing the food system.

733: You Too Can Have an Urban Farm

A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – This is the March 2023 show discussing having your own urban farm. What is an urban farm, anyway? Learn how you can level up your participation in the local food economy by growing your own food. Greg talks about how to get started, different methods of…

711: Holiday Gardening Gifts

A Garden Chat with Greg, Janis, and Doreen. – The holidays are just around the corner, and we all love to share gifts from our heart with our friends and family. Join us as we share our ideas for some cool gardening gifts both from and for the garden. This is sure to be an inspiration filled class. Our team members Janis Norton and Doreen Pollack joined Greg in this fabulous brainstorming session.

676: Journaling and Learning, Growing from the Past

A Garden Chat with Kari Spencer. – Did you know that keeping a garden journal can help you to grow bigger and better vegetables? Kari Spencer, author of City Farming and Vegetable Gardening Journal & Logbook, will discuss the kinds of records that are important to keep, how to plan and what to…