767: Bugs, Disease, Weather and Animals – A Seed Chat

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the August 2023 Seed Chat discussing the impact that climate change is having on our crops. With all the excitement in the world Bill proposes to get all the diversity you can into your yard, into your neighborhood, into your community. That means more different kinds of varieties of the favorite crops that you wanna grow and more different kinds of crops off the scale. The more genetic and crop diversity that we have in our communities the better.

765: Choosing the right trees for your yard – A Rosie on the House Replay

A Rosie on the House Radio Show. This is the Aug 2023 show replay. Join Greg as he discusses fruit trees and picking the right one for you. Learn how to understand the value (what you should be paying for a tree) along with the three important success factors. While this is primarily a conversation about low desert varieties there is a bunch of great information for where ever you live

764: Dee Stevens on Easy Fruit Picking

We meet Dr. Dee Stevens, one of group of friends who took an idea about harvesting fruit easier and safer, and created a product that is innovative and simple to use. They worked through several designs until they came up with one they loved. Greg learns how they came up with the idea, how they navigated through some of the challenges of fruit harvesting, and ended up with a patented solution that backyard orchardists can really appreciate.

763: Diane Blazek on New Plant Evaluations

Organizing trials of new plant varieties with professional judges throughout North America. We are introduced to the organization behind a logo found on seeds and plants found most everywhere. Diane Blazek explains how different plants and plant breeders get recognized as standout winners amongst their peers and earn this logo through All American Selections annual plant trials. 

762: Denali Canning On The Future Of Home Preservation.

Building A Path To Better Food Preservation And Homesteading. Two friends Prince Singh and Trent Pezzano share their journey of bringing a small business with Big community goals to life! As the founders of Denali Canning they have focused on building a relationship with their home preservation customers, and have really enjoyed the results. They have got a great energy, and a great story.

761: Tom Spellman on Heat Stressed Trees – A Tree Chat

This is an excerpt from our July 2023 TREE Chat discussing Heat Stressed Trees. We have our mentor Tom Spellman join our monthly Tree Chat to talk about how the heat is affecting our trees in the southwest and how we can help them survive the brutal extremes of the summer season. Tom brings decades of experience to the table as we chat with our zoom audience.

759: Seed Support and Where to Find It – A Seed Chat

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the July 2023 Seed Chat discussing Seed classes, seed libraries, seed companies, books and teaching tools. We’ll talk about (and link) our favorite resources whether you are starting a community seed library, launching a seed business or looking for that fabulous book you can cuddle up with to find inspiration and context for your seed saving journey. Come Chat with Us!