761: Tom Spellman on Heat Stressed Trees.

A chat with an expert on TREES.


Greg and Janis host Tree Chats – live Zoom webinars focusing on fruit tree care with seasonal tips, harvest alerts, and timely refreshers for success with your fruit trees. And YES we do live Q&A for your fruit tree questions! 

This monthly class will take place on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, at 5pm AZ time.


Register anytime for the next event.
Register Here for the Monthly TREE CHATS with Live Q&A

In This TREE Chat:

This is an excerpt from our July 2023 TREE Chat discussing Heat Stressed Trees. We have our mentor Tom Spellman join our monthly Tree Chat to talk about how the heat is affecting our trees in the southwest and how we can help them survive the brutal extremes of the summer season. Tom brings decades of experience to the table as we chat with our zoom audience.

Editor’s Note:

Normally our tree chats are saved to our Fruit Tree Program Member’s Area as we have slides and visuals. This excerpt was on an important topic and did not involve and slides, so we wanted to bring it here to an easy to access episode. 

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