160: Dr. James Loomis on Lifestyle Medicine

 Greg talks to a doctor that he met a few months back.  Dr. Jim is fabulous at bringing the complexities of healthy eating to simple and memorable analogies. Transitioning from a standard American diet to a plant based one to improve health and vitality is something that Dr. Jim can talk about because he did just that.

150: Karine Kuchipudi on Going Vegan

150: Karine Kuchipudi on Going Vegan Transitioning to a plant based diet for a healthy lifestyle. Karine was once an extreme carnivore and she happily ate sweetbreads, blood pudding, lots […]

148: Michael Ableman on Street Farms

This is an interview that Greg has wanted to do since before he even started the podcasts. A epic urban farming project more than a decade ago inspired him greatly, and now Michael brings Greg up to date with his Street Farm project he’s been working on for the past several years and it is just as epic and inspiring.

145: Storm Kirk on Community and Gardening

Greg meets another kindred spirit in Storm Kirk with her connection to gardening, making a difference in the community, trusting in nature, and making a choice to be happy every day. Storm shares her story of how she started gardening with no skills or experience and is now the founder of a very special place for healing and learning. 

140: Dr. Jack Wolfson on the Paleo Diet

Greg chats with Dr. Jack about the paleo diet and how it affects heart health. Dr. Jack shares why he changed the way he practices cardiology and what he has learned about eating natural foods.  He explains more about how important it is to remove pollutants, improve nutrition, and even how eliminating gluten can make a difference in 24 hours.

131: Kami McBride on Culinary Herbs for Health

Kami joins Greg for an informative discussion on the value of herbs in our kitchens and our diets. She talks about how the garden and the spice rack are of central importance to the economy and health of a household. And she gives some great suggestions on how to use some common key herbs for improving and maintaining health.

123: Shelley Peterman-Schwarz on Gardening with Disabilities

123: Shelley Peterman-Schwarz onGardening with Disabilities. Finding solutions and work-arounds for physical challenges. Shelley Peterman-Schwarz has distinguished herself by meeting the personal and professional challenges of living and working with […]

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