655: Culinary & Aromatic Herbs

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – A garden without herbs is like ice cream without hot fudge. It works but you can increase your delight tenfold by adding them to the mix. They enhance any meal and they can be perennial and annual allowing for many different planting opportunities. Drinking teas…
464: Nicole Finklestein on Urban Herb Farming

Tapping into the many benefits of backyard botanicals. — In This Podcast: While becoming a licensed acupuncturist and doctor, Nicole Finklestein felt the carbon footprint of the medicinals and botanicals in her practice was extensive. She drew on her family farming background to start growing herbs and flowers. She discusses holistic practices used on her farm, as well as…
455: Devon Young on Medicinal Remedies

Creating healing tonics from common and locally foraged plants. — In This Podcast: Growing up in a plant-based family and then struggling with health concerns it felt natural for Devon Young to turn to herbals remedies for wellness and relief. When she started noticing results, she focused on…
A world without antibiotics

by Guest blogger: William Bruneau – We are fast approaching a time when pharmaceutical anti-pathogens (antibiotics, antifungals, anti-malarials, etc) will essentially be useless, forever more. It is hard to imagine a world without anti-pathogens, where diseases and infections cannot be cured. Easy to grow and simple medicinals make…
Crops to Diversify Your Urban Farm

Crops to Diversify Your Urban Farm by: Lettie Stratton Any farmer knows that it can be difficult to make a living on a small farm. There’s only a certain amount […]
254: Stephanie Tourles on Natural Ways to Repel Insects

254: Stephanie Tourles on Natural Ways to Repel Insects. Focusing on natural options to create your own bug repellents. Stephanie has practiced and taught healthy living for more than 25 […]
194: Kate Miller on Bioregional Herbal Medicine

Greg interviews Kate, an herbalist with a focus on healing her community. She tells how she found her calling in herbalism and becoming a partner in an herbal product company and she explains why ethical harvesting of herbs is so important.