254: Stephanie Tourles on Natural Ways to Repel Insects.

Focusing on natural options to create your own bug repellents.

Stephanie has practiced and taught healthy living for more than 25 years.  She is a licensed holistic esthetician with a strong background in Western and Ayurvedic herbalism, has extensive training in the nutritional sciences, and is an avid organic gardener. Stephanie is also a certified aromatherapist, a nationally certified foot & hand reflexologist, and a professional member of the Alliance of International Aromatherapists.

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Currently residing in Orland, Maine, she is the author of twelve books the including Organic Body Care Recipes, Hands-On Healing Remedies, and Naturally Bug-Free all available through Storey Publishing. Due to the increasing concern about tick and mosquito populations spreading, as well as the diseases they carry, we pushed this interview to the top of our calendar.  Please share this interview with your friends in those areas that are high tick infestation areas, or those who just love the outdoors.

In This Podcast:

Years of studying skin care and natural ingredients has led Stephanie Tourles to put together several recipes for natural insect repellents. She shares some important information about using natural product recipes, as well as a recipe for a great smelling tick and mosquito repellent.   

Listen in and learn about:

  • Growing up in Atlanta Georgia and learning from her grandfather in Appalachia, North Carolina
  • Taking walking trips in the fields with her grandfather and learning the old ways of using western herbalism
  • How she learned as much as she could about plants and making natural skin care products
  • Trans dermal penetration and how easily our skin takes in elements and ingredients
  • Her natural substitution for sunscreen and
  • Why she chooses titanium oxide or zinc oxide if she must use a store bought
  • How she came to write her book on insect repellant
  • Ticks and how prevalent they are in certain areas, and they are in the Southwest Desert too!
  • Why one formula will work for one person, and not work for another
  • Why she only uses DEET on her clothes
  • Her 2% solution recipe for natural or essential oil formulas is 12 drops of oil blend per ounce of base solution
  • Why reapplication is needed every 20-30 minutes
  • Her Lemony Eucalyptus-Geranium Tick & Mosquito Repellant Spray (on Page 82 in her book)
  • recipe for 4 oz
  • Essential oils: 20 drops of Geranium, 14 drops lemon eucalyptus, 7 drops lemon grass, and 7 drops citronella
  • ¼ cup each- unflavored vodka and purified water
  • ½ tsp vegetable glycerin
  • ½ tsp Castile soap – either peppermint or eucalyptus
  • Why flea collars and flea drops can be less than effective or dangerous
  • Preventative tips for animals to keep ticks and fleas from bothering the furry members of the family
  • Diatomaceous earth and how that works
  • How often to apply to carpets and directly to animals
  • Why she wrote the book to give natural and safe recipes for people, pets, and the environment

As well as:

  • Her failure – When she experimented with a natural facial mask with blueberries, put it on a coworker, and let it stay on for 20 minutes
  • Her success – That she has written 12 books and is working on her 13th
  • Her drive – Teaching people how to live a healthiest life, and how to retain youthful skin
  • Her advice – Don’t forget that your skin lives, breathes and absorbs – Put only pure products on your skin; also Forgo naysayers and keep your eyes on the prize.

Books written by Stephanie:

Naturally Bug-Free: 75 Nontoxic Recipes for Repelling Mosquitoes, Ticks, Fleas, Ants, Moths & Other Pesky Insects,

As well as:

Organic Body Care Recipes: 175 Homemade Herbal Formulas for Glowing Skin & a Vibrant Self

Making Love Potions: 64 All-Natural Recipes for Irresistible Herbal Aphrodisiacs,

Raw Energy in a Glass: 126 Nutrition-Packed Smoothies, Green Drinks, and Other Satisfying Raw Beverages to Boost Your Well-Being,

Hands-On Healing Remedies: 150 Recipes for Herbal Balms, Salves, Oils, Liniments & Other Topical Therapies,

Naturally Healthy Skin: Tips & Techniques for a Lifetime of Radiant Skin (Herbal Body),

Natural Foot Care: Herbal Treatments, Massage, and Exercises for Healthy Feet, and

365 Ways to Energize Mind, Body & Soul.

Stephanie’s Book recommendations:      

The Book of Herbal Wisdom: Using Plants as Medicines by Matthew Wood

How to reach Stephanie:   

Website: www.stephanietourles.com


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