676: Journaling and Learning, Growing from the Past

A Garden Chat with Kari Spencer. – Did you know that keeping a garden journal can help you to grow bigger and better vegetables? Kari Spencer, author of City Farming and Vegetable Gardening Journal & Logbook, will discuss the kinds of records that are important to keep, how to plan and what to…

642: Jeffrey Smith on the Impact of GMO’s On Our Environment and Health

Motivating People Into Action To Protect Our Ecosystems. – Jeffrey Smith sounds the alarm about the devastating harm that can be caused by genetic engineering. He explains how GMO’s have the potential to destroy entire microbiomes, and he describes the serious negative effects on…

PDC Syllabus and Course Policies

Phoenix Permaculture Design Course Description, General Syllabus, and Course Details & Policies A 72 Hour Permaculture Design Certification Course – Phoenix, AZ Description of Course This standardized 72-hour course leads to a…

Permaculture Design Course

Phoenix Permaculture Design Course A full 72-hour in-person PDC on permaculture & regenerative design with an emphasis on dry lands and southwest ecosystems. Registration is CLOSED for the Spring 2024…

What is this gross stuff in my yard?

It can be a little unnerving to come across something that looks like vomit in your yard.  I had to do some serious double checking the first few times I saw in my yard since I do not have any pets that have access to the yard and researched this topic quite a bit.  Here is what is happening…

Mesquite Program

Mesquite education & Milling Program Mesquite is a multi-functional tree, native to the southwest desert and certain similar climate zones in South America.  The locally native trees have been a…

580: Jessica Smith on Healthy Soil and Healthy Plants

How healthy soil supports healthy plants and how growing food can solve many of the world’s problems An inspiring conversation with Jessica Smith on the importance of healthy soil, an overlooked resource that could solve many of the world’s problems. Jessica shares the story of her journey towards understanding life within soil and how…