28: Renata Chalmers on Tower Gardens

A couple years after moving to Arizona Renata gave up gardening. She no longer had the energy to do it well. Until last spring, when she walked into True Garden in Mesa, Arizona. And discovered the coolest things!

27: Sheri Menelli on Being an Earth Friendly Homeowner

Today, we are meeting with Sheri Menelli, a fellow podcaster and an Earth Friendly Homeowner and member of the Secrets of Soil Society. Sheri has a green garden group and teaches people how to turn their lawns into a drought-tolerant landscapes.

26: Christal Blessin on Using the Garden in the Kitchen

Christal is a writer, horticulturist, and cook.
Her son and daughter-in-law encouraged her to start blogging. She shares what she does every day with a larger audience.
She spent many years in permaculture and interior scaping.

23: Diane Kennedy on Simple, Inexpensive Abundance

Today, we are joined by Diane Kennedy of Finch Frolic Garden, a Food Forest Habitat in San Diego as she talks about creating simple, inexpensive abundance through the practice and implementation of permaculture on your property. 

20: Matt Gordon on Rogue Farm Corps

Matt is an urban farming rockstar in Portland, Oregon. He not only is in charge of Cully Neighborhood Farm’s CSA, but also the chapter coordinator for Rogue Farm Corps, a non-profit dedicated to training the next generation of farmers through hands-on farm internships in Oregon. Check it out!

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