714: Doreen Pollack on How Permaculture Changed Her Life

Integrating the “P” Word into Everyday Life. – Doreen Pollack took a permaculture course nearly 20 years ago and she has never looked back. In this episode she explains how those concepts learned so long ago still influence every part of her life today. She points out the positive impacts, not only on her garden, but on her…

698: Andrew Millison on The Permaculture Water Summit

Creating a hopeful future through how we manage our water. – Andrew Millison, an experienced and enthusiastic permaculture teacher, announces his upcoming online Permaculture Water Summit. He spells out the serious problems facing the world today, then shares his passionate belief that quick…

688: Free Water for the Garden

A Garden Chat with Don Titmus. – The biggest and most basic concern when maintaining a garden is water. In these uncertain times of drought and rising costs, how can you ensure your garden will not wilt just when you need it most? Don Titmus shares his secrets for finding free water right where you…

679: Soil Review – What does a Garden Need

A Garden Chat with Michael Moore. – Instead of starting a new crop in your gardens with tired old soil, consider boosting the potential yield and health of the crops by rejuvenating the soil each season. In this Garden Chat we talk with permaculture gardener and practitioner Michael about how to boost…

676: Journaling and Learning, Growing from the Past

A Garden Chat with Kari Spencer. – Did you know that keeping a garden journal can help you to grow bigger and better vegetables? Kari Spencer, author of City Farming and Vegetable Gardening Journal & Logbook, will discuss the kinds of records that are important to keep, how to plan and what to…

666: Joshua Prieto on Empowering Regenerative Businesses

Highlighting entrepreneurs with strong moral standings and an understanding of regenerative practices. – When we think of permaculture, we immediately think of farms, gardens and homesteads, but Joshua Prieto broadens our perspective. These principles are so universal, they can…

Don Titmus on What Is Permaculture

Permaculture is a way of thinking as well as a system of organizing intelligent ecological and ethical design. It does not focus on the elements of sustainability in themselves (for example the details of organic living, eco-building, appropriate technology, community building, green finance, or rainwater harvesting), but on the beneficial relationships between these elements. It goes further, focusing on how they are put together to make them as energy efficient and sustaining as possible, for people, the planet and our ecosystem.

What is Permaculture & The 2022 Phoenix Permaculture Design Course

Over 30 years ago a postcard landed in my mailbox about a Permaculture Design Course or PDC. To this day I am not at all sure how it found my mailbox, but I remember clearly standing in my front yard here at the Urban Farm reading it and getting chills. I immediately ran inside and …

640: Edible Ecosystems In a Nutshell

Focusing On Leveraging Micro Landscapes Into Ecosystem Changes. – Zach Loeks encourages each of us to transform our human habitat by focusing on one small section of landscape at a time. He believes that changes are most successful when they are manageable, and he reminds us that positive…

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