340: Vivienne De Courcy on A Wild Nature Story

340: Vivienne De Courcy on A Wild Nature Story. Telling a story of young environmentalists reaching for their dreams. Vivienne came from a long family line of market gardeners, academics […]
331: Zach Brooks on Sustainability and Worms

331: Zach Brooks on Sustainability and Worms. Turning waste into gold with off-the-shelf, readily available items. Zach semi-retired from Healthcare Management at age 42 when his consulting company went public. […]
321: Adam Brock on Social Permaculture

321: Adam Brock on Social Permaculture. Attuning our minds to social permaculture solutions. Adam is a facilitator, author, and designer working at the intersection of urban agriculture, sustainable business, and […]
318: Jessica Walliser on Attracting Beneficial Bugs

318: Jessica Walliser on Attracting Beneficial Bugs. Recognizing the connections between insects and plant life. Jessica earned her degree in Horticulture from Penn State University and co-hosts “The Organic Gardeners”, […]
316: Chiara and Travis Bolton on Solar Honey

316: Chiara and Travis Bolton on Solar Honey. Stacking beekeeping businesses with alternative energy for everyone’s benefit. Chiara and Travis are beekeepers in Minnesota. In their business, Bolton Bees they […]
315: Leanne Phillips on Off-grid Natural Living

315: Leanne Phillips on Off-grid Natural Living. Embracing simplicity and starting a new life. Leanne, creator of Wisdom ooh Zivaat, is an organic lifestyle and holistic health Educator, and an […]
311: Joshua Burman Thayer on Mediterranean Food Forests

311: Joshua Burman Thayer on Mediterranean Food Forests. Bringing exotic flavor to local food systems. Joshua has a degree in Community Engineering from Humboldt State University. He proudly admits he […]
310: Who needs a title? This is JOEL SALATIN!

310: Who needs a title? This is JOEL SALATIN! Chatting with a Sustainable Farming giant. Joel and his family own Polyface Farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. Featured in the iconic […]
306: Mark Lewis on Wildcrafting, Foraging, and Growing Native

306: Mark Lewis on Wildcrafting, Foraging, and Growing Native. Harvesting sustainable and nourishing foods found growing in the wild. Mark is a Wildcrafter extraordinaire. Wildcraft harvesting provides ¾ of his […]
304: Karen Lanier on Wisdom and Wonders of Women Farmers

304: Karen Lanier on Wisdom and Wonders of Women Farmers. Recognizing the feminine nature within all and how this benefits farming. Karen is a naturalist, documentarian, teacher, artist, and gardener […]