GrowPHX Returns to The Urban Farm

GrowPHX moves back to The Urban Farm GrowPHX has been an exciting local project focused on community building around growing food and green-living resilience in the Greater Phoenix Area. It […]

Featured Farmer: Kat from Phoenix, AZ

Featured Farmer: Kat from Phoenix, AZ Tell me a little about your urban farm. Our farm still doesn’t have a name! I thought about this a lot after going to […]

RECIPE: Okra Seed “Couscous” Warm Salad

Recipe Name from Guest blogger: Chris Smithof Sow True Seed Listen to his podcast HERE The following recipe is from Chris Smith’s book The Whole Okra: A Seed to Stem […]

RECIPE: Dinosaur Pie

Dinosaur Pie by Guest blogger: Jake Mowrer of Texas A&M University Listen to his podcast HERE [dt_divider style=”thin” /]   Dinosaur Pie is an invention I came up with to get […]

How to Host a Mini Seed Up

Sharing seeds with your friends and neighbors. Imagine walking into a room filled with over 100 varieties of seeds ready to literally be scooped up and taken home for planting or saving. This is exactly what the Great American Seed Up is all about. Although we can’t get together in big groups in person this year, sharing seeds is still possible. We’ve reorganized to create our Seed Up in a Box so that you can host your own Mini Seed Up with social distancing in mind.

Ten Tips for a Thriving Pollinator Victory Garden

Make a big difference in your garden. The passion and urgency that inspired the Victory Gardens of World Wars I and II are needed today to meet another threat to our food supply and our environment—the steep decline of pollinators. Want to help pollinators and create a beautiful garden? Here are ten tips from…

Eleven Ways to Share Seeds

Sharing seeds is the key to strong community gardening. If you have extra seeds to share, here are 11 ways to help everyone get growing while still social distancing.

Our Statement on Human Rights

Our Statement on Human Rights. This is a message from our founder Greg Peterson: Hello urban farmers, Standing in a parking lot yesterday I was reminded of this on a billboard… “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” — Desmond Tutu

RECIPE: Everyday Sourdough

Delicious, easy and yummy sourdough bread by Conni Cisek. This is the handout for the Sourdough Class we gave in our online Victory Garden Classes.

Growing Berries Q&A

Growing Berries Answers by Jason Johns. Jason was our presenter for our 31st Daily Gardening Class on Growing Berries.  We were not able to have him present for a live Q&A, but as promised he quickly responded. The following are the questions submitted in that class and his answers.

Interested in the urban farm's story ?

Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.