588: Jessica Walliser on Science-based Companion Planting.

Using tested methods to plan garden planting.

In This Podcast:

Discovering the science-based facts behind companion planting, Jessica Walliser captivates us with her expert knowledge on the unique benefits that arise when pairing plants together. Jessica explains how companion planting can be used as a strategy to improve soil health, manage pests, and even produce tastier vegetables. She helps us explore the various uses for companion planting and depending on the goal, how these practices will contribute to adding diversity in your space.

Our Guest:

Jessica co-hosted The Organic Gardeners, an award-winning program on KDKA Radio in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for 15 years, is a former contributing editor for Organic Gardening magazine as well as being a co-founder of the popular gardening website SavvyGardening.com. Jessica is the author of seven gardening books, including the Amazon best-seller Good Bug, Bad Bug: Who’s Who, What They Do, and her newest book Plant Partners: Science-based Companion Planting Strategies for the Vegetable Garden.

Listen in and learn about:

    • What has Jessica been up to since her last podcast appearance
    • Why are science-based facts important to gardening techniques
    • Why is companion planting based more on conjecture rather than fact
    • How is the science world reclaiming the phrase ‘companion planting’
    • Where did Jessica find scientific evidence to back the information on pairing plants together
    • The highlights from her new book
    • Why does she focus her first chapter on plant interaction
    • Why does the phrase ‘Diversity = Stability’ resonate with Jessica
    • What are some gardening techniques to avoid
    • What is the significance of PH balance in soil
    • Advice for new gardeners deciphering between science- and experience-based information

As well as:

Her childhood memory – Eating vegetables from her mom’s garden, not realizing they were poor and it made her appreciate food grown at home

Books written by Jessica:

Plant Partners: Science-Based Companion Planting Strategies for the Vegetable Garden

Good Bug Bad Bug: Who’s Who, What They Do, and How to Manage Them Organically (All you need to know about the insects in your garden)

Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control 

Container Gardening Complete: Creative Projects for Growing Vegetables and Flowers in Small Spaces

Gardener’s Guide to Compact Plants: Edibles and Ornamentals for Small-Space Gardening

Jessica’s Previous Podcasts:

318: Jessica Walliser on Attracting Beneficial Bugs

324: Jessica Walliser on Container Gardening

How to reach Jessica:   

Website: savvygardening.com


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