755: Water Harvesting For Our Gardens – A Garden Chat
“Rain, Rain, go away?” Whoever said that never had to water a garden in the summer months. Join us as we chat with our good friend and water harvesting educator Don Titmus about boosting our water resources for our gardens with a few simple systems that can quickly pay for themselves.
739: “Keeping Chickens, Goats and More in Your Backyard”
A Rosie on the House Radio Show. This is the March 2023 show discussing having your own urban farm. What is an urban farm, anyway? Learn how you can level up your participation in the local food economy by growing your own food. Greg talks about how to get started, different methods of…
738: Edmund Williams on The Phoenix Backyard Garden Program
Changning the face of food in Phoenix. Ed joins Greg on the podcast to bring us up to date on the project he is tackling in the heart of Phoenix to transform the world of urban agriculture with one simple way of growing food. Ed has been working hard to create a system that will make a difference in reducing food deserts at a level that the individual gardener can reach, yet can be supported by cities anywhere. He goes further and explains what democratizing the food system.
737: Steve Churchill on Worm Composting
Simplifying Vermicomposting And Making It Easy For Anyone To Start. This is a replay of a really awesome interview with our friend Steve and since Greg is using one of these new worm composting systems, we wanted to bring this interview back up for a new listen. A chance encounter at a farmers market led Greg to meet Steve Churchill, the creator of the worm bag he had recently bought. In this interview, Steve explains the reason he designed a new worm composting bag and explains many of the ins and outs of vermicomposting.
735: Your First Garden Is Your Worst Garden
A Garden Chat with Emily Rockey. – Are you starting your first garden? Take heart!! Your First Garden is Your Worst Garden, and that means you can experience a variety of challenges, setbacks, excitement, and successes too. Let’s talk about these and what comes next. Join Emily Rockey and…
733: You Too Can Have an Urban Farm
A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – This is the March 2023 show discussing having your own urban farm. What is an urban farm, anyway? Learn how you can level up your participation in the local food economy by growing your own food. Greg talks about how to get started, different methods of…
723: Bodacious Garden
A Rosie on the House Radio Show. – This is the January 2023 show discussing how to grow your own BODACIOUS edible garden. Greg covers all the bases – sun, water, soil, and garden helpers. Plant your garden where it will get just the right balance of sun and shade by determining your garden’s solar aspect and observing…
707: Steve Churchill on Worm Composting
707: Steve Churchill on Worm Composting. Simplifying vermicomposting and making it easy for anyone to start. In This Podcast: A chance encounter at a farmers market led Greg to meet […]
703: Justin “Jules” Giuliano on Earth Friendly Potting Soil
Educating about soil and planetary health with peat free planting mix. – Justin “Jules” Giuliano may be a relative newcomer to the garden, but his love of the outdoors and his willingness to make mistakes have grown into a lifelong passion for the soil. Combining that passion with his roots in…
701: Seed Starting Challenges (with Kari Spencer)
A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – There is nothing more satisfying than getting a jump on the gardening season by starting seeds in flats or in the ground. What do we need to know to be successful? Soil composition, temperature, moisture and light all determine whether we are jumping…