738: Edmund Williams on The Phoenix Backyard Garden Program.
Changing the face of food in Phoenix.
In This Podcast:
Ed Williams joins Greg on the podcast to bring us up to date on the project he is tackling in the heart of Phoenix to transform the world of urban agriculture with one simple way of growing food. Ed has been working hard to create a system that will make a difference in reducing food deserts at a level that the individual gardener can reach, yet can be supported by cities anywhere. He goes further and explains what democratizing the food system.
Our Guest:
Ed is a civil engineer and urban agriculture innovator. He has developed a new method of gardening called a LEHR Garden, a garden system that combines 12 different methods and practices of gardening, soil creation, and ecosystem repair into one cohesive system that is designed to meet the unique challenges of urban agriculture. Between water struggles and the decline of urban farmland, Phoenix has an urgent need to develop a resilient food system. Like in most cities a massive, largely unused, land resource in the form of large backyards is available. As one part of the solution to food insecurity and resilience, the City of Phoenix is reviving the concept of Victory Gardens. Just as everything else has changed since the 1940s, gardening and farming have changed drastically. Phoenix is testing building gardens in backyards and LEHR Innovations is one of the partners. Ed is not just trying to figure out how to get people gardening, but KEEP them gardening, all through the power of living, regenerative soil.How to reach Ed:
Website: lehrgarden.comUrbanFarm.org/LEHRUrbanFarm
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