Jane's Favourite Vegetable

Jane’s Favorite Vegetable. by Guest blogger: Jane Rabinowicz of SeedChange. It’s green, grows on trellises, and it’s my favourite vegetable. On a recent trip to Timor-Leste, I was ecstatic to find my favourite veggie growing on trellises around the home of local Batara village leader Tomas Pinto. Even better, I was treated to a lunch that featured the delicious vegetable.

525: David Chan on Regenerative Agriculture.

525: David Chan on Regenerative Agriculture

Seeking climate change solutions through sustainable farming investments. – In This Podcast: Want a way to combat climate change and make a good financial investment? David Chan explains the social and financial benefits of agricultural real estate investing. The FarmTogether system brings…

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

518: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 3

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In the final part of our interview with David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, talks soil, owning your mistakes, and balancing food production in limited spaces. He also shares what it’s like to…

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

517: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 2

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In part 2 of 3 we hear from David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, about his definition of permaculture, soil conservation and regenerative practices, creating civilization systems that…

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In part 1 of 3 we hear from David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, about the birth of permaculture. Learn about what inspired the concept of permaculture, permanent agriculture, working with…

Jason Johns profile pic

491: Jason Johns on Vertical Gardening.

Using the space above planters to the best advantage. – In This Podcast: Sometimes it just doesn’t feel like we have enough space in our gardens! Returning guest, Jason Johns, shares his solution that increased the yield per square foot from his garden, different styles of vertical gardens, and…

Kristie Kapp

484: Kristie Kapp on Eco-Edible Landscaping

Helping others understand and create food forests. – In This Podcast: Eco-edible landscaping sounds like a cool new method, but it incorporates many of the tried and true methods of permaculture. Kristie Kapp educates on building a food forest and how to incorporate 7 layers, support plants, and…

481 - Fidel, Rivka, on Biochar

481: Rivka Fidel on Biochar and Carbon Farming

Building soil quality through carbon management. – In This Podcast: Biochar can improve your soil and help the environment at the same time! We visited with Dr Rivka Fidel from the University of Arizona to learn all about biochar and carbon farming. Listen in for how you can make it, use it, and…

475: David Barrow on Sustainable Urban Farming in Texas

Farming for a local restaurant and a rapidly growing community. — In This Podcast: It was not a direct path to this destiny for David Barrow, but running a sustainable urban farm in Austin Texas has been his biggest success. With many regenerative and sustainable practices in use on the farm it is no wonder the soil is…

471: Jake Mowrer on Deep in the Soil

Digging into the reasons plants flourish. — In This Podcast: We delve deeper into the relationship between plant roots and healthy soil with Jake Mowrer. He explains why the soil changes when plant roots extend through it’s layers, and lessons learned from the dustbowl times regarding …