513: April Bradham about Moving Produce through Food Banks.

513: April Bradham about Moving Produce through Food Banks.

Getting fruit and vegetables into and through a network of community support services. – In This Podcast: We know our food system is broken, however, the food bank system is surprisingly effective! April Bradford from the Arizona Food Bank explains how the local, state and national food banks distribute…

497: Scott Brown about Chicken Feed Co-ops

Scott Brown - fi

Providing organic, non-GMO, and soy-free chicken feed to local backyard farmers. – In This Podcast: Even if you don’t own chickens, if you’ve ever considered the difference that eating organic makes, this podcast on Chicken Feed Co-ops is for you! Learn why Scott Brown is passionate about finding…

Foliar application of microbial products

by Guest blogger: David Stark — The critical importance of microbes (bacteria, fungi and protozoa) for soil health finally is becoming more widely recognized.  In response, a plethora of microbial products are hitting the shelves. Since most of the microbes sold are soil microbes, a common and logical question is…

441: Jill Shea as a Woman in the World of Aquaponics

Jill Shea

Finding purpose in educating about indoor farming . In This Podcast: We had the pleasure of talking aquaponics with Jill Shea from Trifecta Ecosystems. Trifecta Ecosystems practices sustainable farming in their aquaponics farm and educates the community to grow their own food as part of the…

339: Frank Bergin on Feeding your Chickens

339: Frank Bergin on Feeding your Chickens. Optimizing the diet for backyard poultry. Frank is currently General Manager of Strategic Ventures & Innovation for Eggland’s Best, LLC (EB). He has […]

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