489: Abraham Noe-Hays on Fertilizer from Urine

Changing the world by reclaiming nutrients lost from our bodies. – In This Podcast: What is your first thought when you think of using urine as fertilizer? Abraham Noe-Hays from the Rich Earth Institute may change your mind. Urine contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, all things…

Kristie Kapp

484: Kristie Kapp on Eco-Edible Landscaping

Helping others understand and create food forests. – In This Podcast: Eco-edible landscaping sounds like a cool new method, but it incorporates many of the tried and true methods of permaculture. Kristie Kapp educates on building a food forest and how to incorporate 7 layers, support plants, and…

What 1.5 Years in Asia Taught Me About Food

By Guest Blogger Tayler Jenkins : I really like food. Eating food, cooking food, harvesting food, thinking about food. Truly, I can never really get food (and food systems) off my mind.

My activism started at a young age. From encouraging neighbors to vote on animal welfare propositions in 8th grade, to co-leading the organization Real Food ASU in college, to working for Urban Farm U, to gardening and…

Jill Shea

441: Jill Shea as a Woman in the World of Aquaponics

Finding purpose in educating about indoor farming . In This Podcast: We had the pleasure of talking aquaponics with Jill Shea from Trifecta Ecosystems. Trifecta Ecosystems practices sustainable farming in their aquaponics farm and educates the community to grow their own food as part of the…

Garret Hill_featured image

439: Garrett Hill on Gardening in the 21st Century

Maximizing growing potential by gardening out of the box. – Garret Hill loved gardening using grow bags so much, he made it into a business. Today we talk about starting a business, the benefits of grow bags, how they work, and some of the cool things Garret is growing in them. We also dive into the WiFi controlled watering system he recommends to all his clients and how it allows him to conserve water and integrate technology to improve his farm to table gardening.

423: John Jeavons on Biologically Intensive Gardening & Farming (Part 1)

Empowering people globally to build food security while using very little land – Biologically Intensive Gardening allows farmers to grow more food, with less water, in a sustainable way. In this podcast, we speak with John Jeavons who has been a Bio Intensive pioneer for over 50 years. An Arizona native, his books have made…

419: Nicky Schauder on Growing Food in Small Spaces

Teaching how to garden with limited space – Struggling with their children’s multiple food allergies convinced Nicky Schauder and her husband Dave to go organic. Dealing with the expense of all this organic food impelled them to start growing it themselves. This began their adventure with…