Bonus Episode 27: Seed Saving Class April 2019

A chat with a seed expert. 

In This BONUS Podcast:

Once again we join a conversation with Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson to learn about growing from seed, growing for seed, and why our seeds are so important in these changing times. This is the replay of the April 2019 Seed Saving Class – In this class he covers grains, disease resistance, and packaging seeds safely, and of course a few more things as well.

Join the class! Register anytime for the next event. Register Here for the Monthly Seed Saving Class with Live Q&A

Bill McDorman is Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, in Ketchum, Idaho. He got his start in the bio-regional seed movement while in college in 1979 when he helped start Garden City Seeds. In 1984, Bill started Seeds Trust/High Altitude Gardens, a mail order seed company he ran successfully until it sold in 2013.

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Grain seeds and the joy of growing beautiful crops

Grain school and learning to make different bread and

The next grain school is in July in Albuquerque

An update on how the seed world is changing around the world

Remediation for glyphosate research starting and a caution on affecting the soil web

Tomatoes and resistance to Curly Top virus

Growing naturally disease resistant plants and seeds

Temperatures, light and seed viability

Tips on best practices on packaging for seeds

How to bring seeds out of storage safely

Why vacuum packing or nitrogen packing is not good for seeds

How to find out about the Heritage Grain Trials

Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance

Seed School Online

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