466: Shannon McBride on Successful Community Collaboration

Bringing residents, local government, and businesses together to build an epic garden and so much more. — In This Podcast: The area Shannon McBride grew up in had experienced a tumultuous change when the Phoenix light rail was built right down the middle of it. Instead of allowing herself or her neighbors to get angry, she decided to build a collaboration for the area. Building around a vision for a safe, walkable community, she started…
Bonus Episode 27: Seed Saving Class April 2019

A chat with a seed expert. — In This BONUS Podcast:Once again we join a conversation with Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson to learn about growing from seed, growing for seed, and why our seeds are so important in these changing times. This is the replay of the April 2019 Seed Saving Class…
399: Diann Peart on Living in a Chemically Saturated World

399: Diann Peart on Living in a Chemically Saturated World. Changing the role of chemicals in our homes. Diann has a PhD in Botany-Ecology from Arizona State University. She lives […]