445: Julia Hubler on Gardening with a Plan.

Homesteading with a passion and a purpose.

Julia Hubler on HomesteadingJulia lives in Arizona on two and a half acres, with HOT summers, lots of cacti and amazing sunsets!  She is a homeschool graduate living with her family and every day you’ll find her raising guineas, making dinner, milking goats, and writing about it all.  You can find her at ReformStead.com.

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In This Podcast:

For years, Julia Hubler couldn’t find a garden planner that had it all. After running her family’s homestead of chickens, goats, and gardens, she put together a comprehensive garden planning guide and journal. Here, she paints a picture of life on her homestead. Listen in to learn why she added native trees back into her orchard, what it’s like raising chickens for meat, and how you can win a free copy of her e-book so you can start planning your best garden yet!

Listen in and learn about:

    • How she got interested and learned to homestead
    • A picture of her homestead
    • Raising meat birds
    • Eating seasonally from your yard
    • Self-publishing an e-book
    • The native trees that add nitrogen into our soil.
    • Homesteading and permaculture

As well as: 

Her failure – Not considering the water availability of the land when she was planting trees.

Her success – Adding in native trees like Mesquite and Palo Verde as nurse trees.

Her drive Her faith.

Her adviceTry new things, experiment, and don’t be afraid to fail!

Books written by Julia

The Ultimate Vegetable Garden Planner: Get Your Garden Organized This Year!

The Holistic Homestead: How to Start an Interconnected Homestead” 

Julias Book recommendations: 

You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Start & Succeed in a Farming Enterprise by Joel Salatin

How to reach Julia: 

Website: reformstead.com 

Special Offer:

This contest is closed. We say “Thank You” to Julia for this offer. 


Thank you to LaCrosse Boots for sponsoring this episode

LaCrosse Boots – The go-to boots for big tasks!

Note: You can also find these books mentioned above at one of our favorite local independent bookstores and have the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting a small business.

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