Mesquite Recipes from Peggy Sue Sorensen

Mesquite Recipes From: Peggy Sue Sorensenof The Desert Kitchen Check out other mesquite videos at [dt_divider style=”thin” /] Peggy Sue Sorensen has been enjoying the variety and delicious options available […]

RECIPE: Okra Seed “Couscous” Warm Salad

Recipe Name from Guest blogger: Chris Smithof Sow True Seed Listen to his podcast HERE The following recipe is from Chris Smith’s book The Whole Okra: A Seed to Stem […]

RECIPE: Dinosaur Pie

Dinosaur Pie by Guest blogger: Jake Mowrer of Texas A&M University Listen to his podcast HERE [dt_divider style=”thin” /]   Dinosaur Pie is an invention I came up with to get […]

RECIPE: Everyday Sourdough

Delicious, easy and yummy sourdough bread by Conni Cisek. This is the handout for the Sourdough Class we gave in our online Victory Garden Classes.

501: Sonja Overhiser on Eating More Plants

Sonja Overhiser

Learning how to cook with vegetables. – In This Podcast: Shortly after getting married, Sonja Overhiser and her husband, Alex, did a 180 from fast and frozen food to eating a home-cooked, mostly  whole food plant-based  diet. She shares what motivated them to learn…

RECIPE: Green Grass Salt

Green Grass Salt by Guest blogger: Kimberly Kling. If you live and garden in a warmer climate, you have probably had a run in with this grass. It’s very prolific. It is originally from Africa, is fast growing, dark green, and creeps via underground and above ground runners. In my garden, I’ve at times waged war…

474: Amy Lacey on Cooking with Cauliflower

Taking an everyday vegetable to the table in delicious new ways. — In This Podcast: After Amy Lacey’s health took a downturn and she wanted to bring some normalcy back to her family’s routine, she tried a recipe for a vegetable she did not really like. Little did she know how a bland vegetable could make such a…

RECIPE: Garden Escargot

by Guest blogger: Molly Watson — Those snails in your garden aren’t just edible, they are the authentic ingredient for classic escargot—snails in garlic butter. Once you’ve captured them (if your garden has snails, you know to look on the underside of furniture and under large leaves to find them) and purged them as outlined…

RECIPE: Beth’s Crazy Mesquite Cake

After attending Peggy Sorensen’s recent talk on mesquite, I tried making flour using a coffee grinder, and wanted to try it in a recipe.  So I adapted a crazy cake recipe (it’s also called wacky cake or depression cake, since the recipe originated during the depression when eggs, milk and butter were hard to come by).  I needed to make it gluten free, and since mesquite flour is so sweet, decided to try to omit the sugar (it worked!).

RECIPE: Oven Roasted Tomato Soup

Late spring is always a time of bountiful harvest in my garden. The tomatoes are ripening at an alarming rate, the onions and garlic are ready to pull and the basil is big and beautiful. With so many things coming together at the same time there is always a dilemma as to what to do with it all, aside from gifting to my neighbors.

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