596: Patti Milligan on Saliva and the Immune System

Improving our body’s resilience to environmental and emotional stressors – This week we delve into the world of saliva research as we speak with Patti Milligan on the importance of healthy saliva production. Patti describes how our saliva production can be impacted by the foods we eat and when we eat those certain foods that create…
518: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 3

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In the final part of our interview with David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, talks soil, owning your mistakes, and balancing food production in limited spaces. He also shares what it’s like to…
517: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 2

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In part 2 of 3 we hear from David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, about his definition of permaculture, soil conservation and regenerative practices, creating civilization systems that…
516: David Holmgren on Downshifting to a Resilient Future. Part 1

Balancing the larger world context with local, practical, and creative solutions. – In This Podcast: In part 1 of 3 we hear from David Holmgren, the co-founder of permaculture, about the birth of permaculture. Learn about what inspired the concept of permaculture, permanent agriculture, working with…
482: Michael Gettens on Evolving Lifestyles in a Changing World

Evolving Lifestyles in Changing World. – In This Podcast: Learning about permaculture can be lifechanging, and Michael Gettens shares about his experience taking a permaculture design course, how to take on a production mindset instead of…
461: Chris Rawley on Alternative Funding for Urban Farmers

Investing in small agriculture businesses. — In This Podcast: Production farming in America is not an easy business path to start on without some help or connections. Appreciating the value of farming after his travels in the US Navy, Chris Rawley realized these challenges farmers face when trying start or expand small-to-midsize farms and decided…
Investing in our Food System

by Guest blogger: Chris Rawley — Like many kids from my generation, I grew up in the suburbs and ate frozen dinners in front of a boxy, wooden TV with a handful of channels. I didn’t know what was in my food, how it was produced, where it was grown, or who produced it. Then after college, I joined the…
My Soil Experiment

My Soil Experiment by Guest blogger: Steve SzuderaFounder of Table Top Farmer Listen to his podcast at HERE October of 2014 at a conference dinner reception it was suggested from […]