735: Your First Garden Is Your Worst Garden
A Garden Chat with Emily Rockey. – Are you starting your first garden? Take heart!! Your First Garden is Your Worst Garden, and that means you can experience a variety of challenges, setbacks, excitement, and successes too. Let’s talk about these and what comes next. Join Emily Rockey and…
699: Jeffrey Smith on Protecting the Microbiome
Raising public awareness about the dangers of gene editing. – Jeffrey Smith returns to the Urban Farm Podcast to talk about what he calls “GMO 2.0”, an easily attainable technology with the power to permanently change the genetic makeup of every living thing on earth. The foods we eat are already being…
684: Foliar Feeding in the Garden
A Garden Chat with Anthony Dominguez. – A Garden Chat with Anthony Dominguez. – We are talking with gardener and chemist Anthony from HyKreations about foliar feeding our gardens. Besides providing the respiration for our plants, the foliage can be a direct method for getting nutrients into the plant. A virtually immediate foliar feeding…
679: Soil Review – What does a Garden Need
A Garden Chat with Michael Moore. – Instead of starting a new crop in your gardens with tired old soil, consider boosting the potential yield and health of the crops by rejuvenating the soil each season. In this Garden Chat we talk with permaculture gardener and practitioner Michael about how to boost…
661: Abby Schaefer on Wood Chip Bio Reactors
Reducing agricultural nitrogen runoff into rivers and oceans. – Abby Schaefer didn’t know what she wanted to do when she started college, but she went with the flow and turned her love of chemistry into a career studying water as a bio-systems engineer. Abby studies woodchip bioreactors, a relatively…
641: Garden Soil Prep for Success
A Farmer Friday interview with Christy Wilhelmi: Christy Wilhelmi returns to the Urban Farm, this time to talk about keeping life healthy below the ground as well as above it. Healthy soil is all about healthy microbes, and Christy shares her special recipes for feeding them. Hear why worm castings are…
633: Soil Is Not Dirt
A Farmer Friday interview with Mike Biltonen: Though the words are often used interchangeably, soil and dirt are not the same thing. Mike Biltonen explains that we must know the distinction before we can truly appreciate the treasure that is our soil. Once we realize its true worth, we will want to…
593: Exploring the Seven Layers of a Food Forest
Gardening tips, tricks, and advice, in short bite-size episodes – Greg invites Crystal Stevens on our show to illustrate the seven dense layers of a food forest and the important role each layer provides to an ecosystem. From the top canopy layer to the microbes under the soil, Crystal points out how…
580: Jessica Smith on Healthy Soil and Healthy Plants
How healthy soil supports healthy plants and how growing food can solve many of the world’s problems An inspiring conversation with Jessica Smith on the importance of healthy soil, an overlooked resource that could solve many of the world’s problems. Jessica shares the story of her journey towards understanding life within soil and how…
470: David Stark on Soil Microbes
Getting serious about the microscopic life in soil. — In This Podcast: Retired after years of leadership in Monsanto, David Stark was asked to mentor a young company making what was essentially compost tea. Reluctantly and with some concerns over the science, he agreed and now is excited to share what he has learned about…