Don Titmus on What Is Permaculture

Permaculture is a way of thinking as well as a system of organizing intelligent ecological and ethical design. It does not focus on the elements of sustainability in themselves (for example the details of organic living, eco-building, appropriate technology, community building, green finance, or rainwater harvesting), but on the beneficial relationships between these elements. It goes further, focusing on how they are put together to make them as energy efficient and sustaining as possible, for people, the planet and our ecosystem.

What is Permaculture & The 2022 Phoenix Permaculture Design Course

Over 30 years ago a postcard landed in my mailbox about a Permaculture Design Course or PDC. To this day I am not at all sure how it found my mailbox, but I remember clearly standing in my front yard here at the Urban Farm reading it and getting chills. I immediately ran inside and …

Permaculture Design Course

Phoenix Permaculture Design Course A full 72-hour in-person PDC on permaculture & regenerative design with an emphasis on dry lands and southwest ecosystems. Registration is CLOSED for the Spring 2024…

Garden Chat “Permaculture in your Gardens”

Great gardeners seem to know all the rules – but the very best gardener is the one who wrote the rules. She is Mother Nature and has no equal. Her systems and regenerative cycles CAN be replicated in our gardens and food forests to help them be amazingly resilient. Permaculture is the best way to start and it can make it your gardening much easier! Author Kari Spencer is going to help us find the best ways to adopt permaculture practices for increased resilience.

Farmer Greg Steps Out… About Permaculture

Farmer Greg Steps Out… Farmer Greg Peterson has stepped out of his podcast studio to join other podcast hosts in conversations to share his vision across the globe. Greg is usually the one to pick people’s brains about their great ideas, but now Greg is in the hot seat as he speaks about…

Permaculture City Special

Creating Your Permaculture City: 7 Steps to Ecological Abundance This course is a transformative experience. Learn Why you would want to Create Your Permaculture City, What You Get in the…