Raymond Jess Grow Buckets: basket in bottom

Grow Buckets

Several years ago, I started my adventure with wicking garden beds. I found the concept powerful and wondered, how can I use this concept in a different way? I consulted the internet and found a few good ideas, but not quite what I wanted. I needed something I thought might stand up to the unrelenting summer heat of Phoenix, Arizona and produce a nice vegetable harvest. I came up with this design of a grow bucket.

Thomas Tuoti on Growing Mushrooms at Home

429: Thomas Tuoti on Growing Mushrooms at Home

Minimizing food waste and improving soils by growing fungi – We learn the ins and outs of growing mushrooms at home with Thomas Tuoti. Listen in for the difference between mushrooms and mycelium as well as how to use them to build your soil. Mushrooms are the composting tool we never…

419: Nicky Schauder on Growing Food in Small Spaces

Teaching how to garden with limited space – Struggling with their children’s multiple food allergies convinced Nicky Schauder and her husband Dave to go organic. Dealing with the expense of all this organic food impelled them to start growing it themselves. This began their adventure with…