444: Sara Wolters on Healthy, Homemade Jams & Jellies.

Taking fruits and berries to make tasty results.

Sara WoltersSara and her husband own and operate Pomona’s Universal Pectin. Pomona’s Pectin has been around for 39 years, and they’ve owned the business for just over 2 years now. They have two sons and live right next to Yosemite National Park.

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In This Podcast:

What do you do with the abundance of fruit from your yard? Making jams and jellies are an easy solution. Sara Wolters from Pomona’s Universal Pectin shares how their fruit-based pectin allows you to create delicious preserves with little to no added sugar. She also shares about the pectin industry, the recipe and video resources they have available to the public, methods of making jams with young kids, and additional uses for pectin.

Listen in and learn about:

    • What pectin is made from and what it does
    • How Pomona’s Universal Pectin works without added sugar
    • The pectin industry
    • Jellies, jams, recipes, and resources they provide to the public
    • Freezer jams and canning
    • Where to find Pomona’s Universal Pectin
    • Why everyone should learn to make jams and jellies
    • Why pectin is becoming very popular in the food industry
    • Some of the other uses for pectin

 As well as: 

Her failure – Trying to sell something she didn’t believe in right out of college.

Her success – Owning the business and seeing its growth.

Her drive – Making the world a better place for her kids.

Her advice – Don’t stop learning!

Sara’s Recipe on our Blog:

Nectarine-Cherry Jam Available May 8th

Sara’s Book recommendations: 

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Steven Covey

How to reach Sara: 

Website: www.pomonapectin.com 

Facebook:  Pomona’s Universal Pectin 

Instagram: Pomonas.Universal.Pectin 

Pinterest: Pomona’s Universal Pectin 

Email: info@pomonapectin.com 

Jam line: 559-760-0910 

Special Offer:

This contest is closed. We say “Thank You” to Sara and Pomona’s Universal Pectin for this offer.


Thank you to LaCrosse Boots for sponsoring this episode

LaCrosse Boots – The go-to boots for big tasks!

Note: You can also find these books mentioned above at one of our favorite local independent bookstores and have the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting a small business.

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