495: Sara El-Sayed on Low-Tech Irrigation

Pursuing regenerative farming solutions for desert climates and communities. – In This Podcast: Dry, arid regions make for some creative watering strategies. Sara El-Sayed has taken the traditional olla method of watering to a new level by incorporating drip irrigation tubing. The…
RECIPE: Nectarine-Cherry Jam

Nectarine-Cherry Jam by Guest blogger: Sara Woltersof Pomona’s Pectin Listen to her podcast HERE [dt_divider style=”thin” /]Nectarines are my absolute favorite summer fruit. We developed this recipe to capture the […]
444: Sara Wolters on Healthy, Homemade Jams & Jellies

444: Sara Wolters on Healthy, Homemade Jams & Jellies. Taking fruits and berries to make tasty results. Sara and her husband own and operate Pomona’s Universal Pectin. Pomona’s Pectin has […]