Bonus Episode 13: Seed Chat, November 2017.
A chat with an expert on Seeds, Bill McDorman.
In This BONUS Podcast:
There is always a bounty of information available in conversations with Bill McDorman. This is the November 2017 episode of a Seed School Chat Class – continuing the conversation with an in depth discourse on grains and corns, an ancient potato, grain trials, becoming a seed steward growing all your groceries, and so much more. Bill McDorman is Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, Ketchum, Idaho. He got his start in the bio-regional seed movement while in college in 1979 when he helped start Garden City Seeds. In 1984, Bill started Seeds Trust/High Altitude Gardens, a mail order seed company he ran successfully until it sold in 2013.
– A conversation about grains & grain seeds
– A remarkable find in an archeological setting
– Looking for southwest desert adapted potato seed
– Seed stewards through Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance
– Anpetu Ohainkesni and rare seeds
– Increasing the supplies of newly found seeds
– Rock Mountain Heritage Grain Trials
– Goals to grown most of one’s groceries on a home property
– Cooking the corn for corn tortillas
– Seed School Teacher Training
Producer’s note: The Q&A part occurs during the live Seed Chats which happens on the third Tuesday of the month!
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