734: Seed and Plant Selection for Challenging Gardens

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – Join Farmer Greg and Bill McDorman as they explore all the magical places to grow your garden. Restricted by where you can plant your garden? How do you optimize difficult spaces to plant your favorite vegetables? We will help you navigate challenges with…

728: The Impact of Seeds and Planning

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the February 2023 live Seed Saving Class discussing the impact of seeds and planning. Bill and Greg Peterson give an overview of how to save some basic seeds and how to plan your garden for seed saving. No, you don’t need acres of land, pollination…

715: What Is Happening In the World of Seeds

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the December 2022 class discussing what is happening in the world of seeds. Bill recently returned from the 9th Session of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in New Delhi. He shares what he learned about how the…

701: Seed Starting Challenges (with Kari Spencer)

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – There is nothing more satisfying than getting a jump on the gardening season by starting seeds in flats or in the ground. What do we need to know to be successful? Soil composition, temperature, moisture and light all determine whether we are jumping…

696: Warm and Cool Season Crops

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – Do we plant cool season crops in the fall and warm season in the spring? How is it that cool season varieties get sweeter as the weather gets colder? Can warm season crops last through blistering heat? Can we strengthen the genetics of any crop through selection and…

691: Seed Harvesting

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – Before you know it, all your crops will be going to seed. Rather than deadhead and “clean everything up,” learn how to be your own best seed detective. What are the characteristics of the plants from which you should be saving seed? How do you decide when and how to…

687: Squashes, Summer & Winter

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. — This is the June 2022 class discussing squashes. Help! How can we tell the difference between summer and winter squashes and why is it important? What are the challenges with cross-pollination and why don’t the three different species of squash cross? And what are…

683: Pollinators & Wildflowers

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – A diverse and integrated garden requires many different elements. Top on that list are pollinators and wildflowers. If you have a robust flower component to your cultivated gardens, so much of the extra workload is handled by these workhorses as they…

675: Seed Dehybridizing

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the March 2022 class discussing seed dehybridizing. We love hybrid vigor and what hybridized seed can offer. The only downside to using hybridized seed is you can’t save it. Wait a minute. What if you found out that isn’t true? That you could capture the best…

662: Starting Your Seed Indoors

A Seed Chat with Kari Spencer. – Kari shares insights on how to get a head start on your spring gardens by starting your seeds indoors in trays. We will talk about germination temps, timing, and nutrition as well as how to avoid common problems. Then we discuss how to transplant your.…

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