696: Warm and Cool Season crops.

A chat with an expert on seeds.


At least ten times a year we have a live Seed Saving Class with Bill McDorman, the former Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, Ketchum, Idaho. He got his start in the bio-regional seed movement while in college in 1979 when he helped start Garden City Seeds. In 1984, Bill started Seeds Trust/High Altitude Gardens, a mail order seed company he ran successfully until it sold in 2013. 

Come join us for the next live class, or catch up on our previous classes through our podcast episodes.  Either way you will expand your seed knowledge and gain new perspectives on your food system.

Register anytime for the next event.
Register Here for the Monthly Seed Saving Class with Live Q&A

In This Seed Chat:

This is the August 2022 class discussing warm and cool season crops.  Do we plant cool season crops in the fall and warm season in the spring? How is it that cool season varieties get sweeter as the weather gets colder? Can warm season crops last through blistering heat? Can we strengthen the genetics of any crop through selection and adaptation? Come play with us and find out the answers to these questions and more with Bill McDorman and Greg Peterson on Seed Chat.



– The differences between warm and cool season crops

– Finding a planting calendar for your area

– Getting more conservative as you become a more experienced gardener

– A clever “greenhouse” for seedlings

– Understanding that soil temperature is more important than season for germination

– Replicating winter temperatures for some seeds (also called stratification)

– Scarification – physically scraping the seeds to trigger germination

– Explaining why the second generation of seeds does better in your garden (epigenetics)

– Why a disaster that wipes out almost everything is a good thing

Collecting, Processing and Germinating Seeds of Wildland Plants  by James A. Young

– Keeping your seeds cool, dark, and dry

– Germination testing

– What the date on a package of seeds really means

– Patenting of seeds

– Searching for campari tomato seeds



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