600: Saving Seeds of Grasses and Grains

A seed chat with Bill McDorman: This is the April 2021 class discussing the importance of growing our own grains, ancient grain sources, and so much more on which grains are best for specific regions.

584: Where, When, & How to Start Saving Seeds

A seed chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the February 2021 class discussing systems for local seed viability, reclaiming ancient grains and heirloom seeds, and so much more…

571: Seed Saving Class November 2020

A chat with an expert on Seeds. – This is the November 2020 class discussing seed health and your health, resurrecting ancient grains, and so much more on how saving seeds creates a healthy community.

551: Chloe Lieberman on Growing Calorie Crops

Farming corn and other small-scale staple crops. When one thinks of staple crops, what usually comes to mind is corn, wheat, and soybeans, yet Chloe Lieberman has worked with community farms around the world and discovered that there is an abundance of underutilized, calorie-dense types of crops. Listen in to learn about the value of…

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