548: Jeff Malkoon on Origins of Peanut Butter.

Blending nutty flavors for healthy spread options.

In This Podcast:

When it comes to healthy food options, a common perception is that healthy doesn’t always taste good. After spending time in South America, Jeff Malkoon found inspiration to enter an untapped market and a mission to create all-natural spreads to cater to the health conscious while satisfying a sweet tooth. Listen in and learn about the origin of peanut butter and how it came to America. Then dive deeper into what inspired Jeff to form his own business blending some of the richest flavors without the guilt. It was obvious that Jeff had created an outstanding product when he completely sold out after attending his first farmers market.


Our Guest:

Jeff is the owner and developer of Peanut Butter Americano. The idea for this family owned business came about as Jeff was volunteering in Uruguay. He recognized that while peanuts grew abundantly in the area, people still preferred to consume sugary spreads such as dulce de leche. Inspired to find healthier alternatives, and after much trial and error back home in his mother’s kitchen, 6 flavors of all-natural, low sugar, tasty spreads made their way to Arizona farmers markets. Today, working alongside his sister Denise, PBAmericano’s mission is to provide delicious, nutritious and socially beneficial spreads.

Listen in and learn about:

    • How Jeff became inspired to form his own business and create his own peanut butter
    • What Jeff defines as success while starting a new business
    • The importance of finding an all natural healthy alternative spread
    • What were the trials and errors that led to creating rich flavors with less sugar
    • The various efforts that went into forming his own business
    • How your health can benefit from consuming peanut butter
    • What are the surprising facts on the shelf life of peanut butter
    • The sources and roasting process of PB Americano’s peanuts and almonds
    • History of the peanut dating back to Aztec times
    • How the peanut was introduced into the European trade and United States

As well as:

His failure – Not being prepared with enough product for his first farmers market

His success – Perseverance within a challenging market and never giving up

His drive – The opportunities of tomorrow

His advice – “Success is bouncing from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

Jeff’s Book recommendations:    

“Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It  by Chris Voss”

How to reach Jeff:   

Website: PBAmericano.com


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