173: Brendan Gaughran on Liver and Gut Health.

Understanding the sequence of food driven diseases.

Brendan holds a degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Connecticut and his MBA from Bentley University. He has spent 15 years in the Healthcare field and was an executive for a major nutraceutical manufacturer before starting multiple companies of his own, the latest being Liver Medic. He conducts health lectures to both physicians and the public. His research focuses primarily on gut health, liver health, endocrine system, adrenal fatigue and optimum diets. 

In This Podcast:

Brendan teaches Greg a lot about the functions and dysfunctions of the liver and gut, and how a cascade of medical issues can be traced back to the health of the gut. Brendan explains why he gave up his well-paying career to focus on finding answers on the treatment of metabolic syndrome. He describes what his research has revealed and how our foods we eat are a huge contributor to our health, starting with our gut bacteria. He explains how the foods we eat are crucial to our overall health and how so many of the diseases being treated now can be traced back to the health of the bacteria in our gut.  This is one podcast that you will definitely want to share with those that you care about – regardless of where they stand on growing their own food.

Listen in and learn about:

  • His background in research molecular biology and work in the pharmaceutical industry
  • His move to a private label firm and working on different formulations for health foods
  • Metabolic syndrome and his search for answers for how this was being treated
  • His decision to focus his efforts on liver research
  • How the research is now focusing on gut health and the realization that food consumption is key to gut health
  • Nutraceutical – fancy term for supplement or vitamin company
  • How 40 years ago, cirrhosis and liver issues were confined to people who drank too much, and today 75% of it is a food driven disease
  • Metabolic syndrome – a breakdown of the stages that are involved – poor diet, to gut bacteria breakdown, to leaky gut, to chronic inflammation, to fatty liver, to type II diabetes, to possible obesity, and increased cortisol production
  • Some of the factors that contribute to the initial issue include pesticides on GMO produce which increases toxins in the body and decreases the body’s ability to deal with them
  • Cortisol and its effect on the body and why the body increases production when it is inflamed
  • Why the thyroid is also being affected and how that creates the obesity issues
  • How the consumption of sugar has increased in the last 100 years
  • Processed foods and endocrine disrupting chemicals
  • Why personal care products like makeup, toothpaste, shampoo and deodorant can affect the systems
  • Coconut milk ingredients like carrageenan and soy lethicin
  • Heavy metals like mercury, aluminum and lead and how they have the ability to affect the brains
  • Some of the ways that physicians can help remove them from the body and a note to work with someone well versed in this process
  • How Lyme disease hides in the biofilms and the treatment for heavy metals can liberate it
  • Some common mistakes that doctors make in diagnosing disease that can easily be avoided
  • The importance of understanding the sequence of events that leads to disease and the breakdown of bacteria in the gut
  • More about disbiosys, candida overgrowth, too much parasites, heavy metals, leaky gut, and too much GMO in the diet
  • How what you eat makes a difference in so many ways
  • How a beautiful lawn can lead to health issues
  • Did Home Depot take Round up off their shelves – (Producer’s note: Round up is still available at Home Depot so the petition did not work)
  • Why GMO products is so dangerous in two ways
  • What happens to rats when on a GMO diet for successive generations
  • The MTHFR gene, why it is so important, and what it does in our body
  • Solutions – how supplements help and why they can’t sometimes
  • Some of the different supplement combinations the Liver Medic offers
  • Why the food industry is focusing on low fat instead of low sugar
  • Which fats are healthy – Olive oil, butter, coconut, palm, avocado (with cautions on olive oil and butter)
  • Which ingredient is helpful to fight against inflammation
  • Good sugars like raw honey or maple honey
  • Why juicing fruit is not as good as eating the actual food
  • The fiber rich, protein rich, fat rich diet
  • Fodmops diet – FODMAPs stands for Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides, and Polyols
  • Why a plant based diet might need some supplements
  • How the soil helps increase the nutrient load in foods

As well as:

  • His failure – his marriage and how he stayed in it a long time, but now he realized that he needed to change to be ready for the healthy relationship he is in now
  • His success – After he left his marriage he decided to change his outlook and focus on meeting everyone with a smile and had one of the best days of his life
  • His drive – to get this information out to people and help heal people
  • His advice – Listen to yourself

Brendan’s Book recommendations:

Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal by Dr Alejandro Junger

How to reach Brendan:        

Website: Livermedic.com

Facebook: @LiverMedic 


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