520: Quilen Blackwell on Urban Flower Farms

Quilen Blackwell on Urban Flower Farms

Encouraging youth to bloom through off-grid farming on vacant lots. – In This Podcast: We usually speak with food farmers, however, Quilen Blackwell is doing something so amazing with flower farming we needed to get him on the show! Learn why he chose to farm flowers over food, got…

469: Francey Slater on Urban Ag and Food Justice

Creating resilience in an urban community. — In This Podcast: It was after spending some time out of the country that Francey Slater woke to the poor American relationship with food.  This motivated her towards food justice and making a difference in her community.  With a belief that healthy food is a right for everyone, she co-founded…

263: Deanna Cook on Kids and Farmers Markets

263: Deanna Cook on Kids and Farmers Markets. Creating an early love of healthy foods & cooking through fun activities. Deanna graduated from college and received a Watson Fellowship to […]

Phoenix Youth Plant and Harvest Seeds of Change

Almost one year ago, Asiyah, homeschooling mother of four, took her children on a field trip to visit St. Vincent de Paul’s (SVdP) Urban Farm located next to the downtown Phoenix dining room.  What she didn’t anticipate was how this small plot of land that grows food to feed those in need would greatly impact the lives of her children.

Interested in the urban farm's story ?

Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.