698: Andrew Millison on The Permaculture Water Summit

Creating a hopeful future through how we manage our water. – Andrew Millison, an experienced and enthusiastic permaculture teacher, announces his upcoming online Permaculture Water Summit. He spells out the serious problems facing the world today, then shares his passionate belief that quick…

458: Stacey Murphy on Superfood Garden Summit

Bringing concentrated, jam-packed garden education to life. — In This Podcast: Her passion for bringing people together in educational garden summits is quite evident when you listen to Stacey Murphy tell us what she has planned this year. She explains why she started presenting her summits and…

394: Tonya Antle on the Organic Grower Summit

394: Tonya Antle on the Organic Grower Summit. Propelling organic produce from fringe to mainstream. Tonya grew up on her family’s table grape and citrus farm in Delāaaano, California. From […]

366: Stacey Murphy on Garden Hacked Summit

366: Stacey Murphy on The Garden Hack Summit. Bringing gardening experts together in one event. Stacey has helped thousands of new gardeners from six continents grow vegetables and herbs in […]

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