608: Jon Hayes on Online Farmers Marketplace

Expanding farmers reach to customers with busy schedules: We hear from Jon Hayes about a new app he created and launched that brings local food even closer to home. Jon tells us how his app has many benefits outside of local food sourcing, and essentially can be utilized for anything to do with…

Promoting Your Urban Farm Online

Promoting Your Urban Farm Online by John Lagoudakis. Selling your produce at a local market is a great place to start but that might not be an option for you, or you may not sell enough at the markets.What you could do is promote your produce online. In this article we are going to talk about some simple best practices to help you set up and promote your…

405: Rhonda Sherman on Worm Farming

405: Rhonda Sherman on Worm Farming. Organically recycling through vermicomposting. Rhonda is an extension specialist in the Department of Horticultural Science at North Carolina State University, providing leadership for university […]

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