692: Fertilizing Through Irrigation

Scott Murray

A Garden Chat with Scott Murray. – Watering your gardens is a step that we all need to do. Fertilizing is just as important, although sometimes not as easy to remember. Both chores can be done in a variety of ways and too many choices might prevent us from starting. Join us as we chat with our friend…

611: Caring for orchards with holistic biodynamic Tree Paste

Farmer Greg under a tree

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice in short, bite-size episodes:  Greg is excited to speak with Andrew Faust about biodynamic tree paste, a concept Greg learned about years prior, yet it is not widely discussed. Andrew is an expert on biodynamics and he educates us on this…

599: Building Healthy Soil with Five Essential Components

Farmer Greg under a tree

Gardening tips, tricks, and advice, in short bite-size episodes – Greg kicks off this episode with answering two questions from our listeners that focus on aspects of looking at pest management from a different angle. Tying into our main focus, Greg shares with us the concept of understanding natural pest management and…

562: Benjamin Page on Interacting with The Earth

Building a relationship with your soil In today’s society, we as humans are provided with various ways to virtually connect with each other. However, Benjamin Page, recent author of two books, points out one key area humans lack…

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