697: Planting for the Bugs

A Garden Chat with Suzanne Bontempo. – Bugs play a vital role in the health of an ecosystem, and with a little strategic planting, we can invite the “good” ones to join us in our own growing spaces. Join us as we talk with Suzanne Bontempo about planning ahead for bugs, how to recognize the…
659: Companion Planting

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the December 2021 class discussing companion planting. Why work so hard in your garden? Gardening should be fun, relaxing and stress free. Unfortunately many of us don’t subscribe to that philosophy. We worry, we fret and we fear we aren’t doing…
657: Vicki Hird on Rebugging the Planet

Renewing Our Relationships with Bugs. – Wait…Don’t step on that bug! Vicki Hird introduces us to the fascinating world of bugs, showing us a whole new way to think about our insect and invertebrate friends. She invites us to look a little closer so we can begin to appreciate bugs not only for the many essential…
635: Rebugging Your Farm and Garden

A Farmer Friday interview with Vicki Hird: Vicki Hird reminds us that it is possible to have bugs without having a bug problem. In fact, when it comes to bugs, the more you have in your garden the better! Vicki provides information about the beneficial roles that bugs play and she tells how to…
570: Matt Arthur on Bokashi Composting

Composting food anaerobically – Composting provides many benefits to the garden, yet, people hesitate to compost for various reasons, mainly the aggresive odors that come with the process. However, Matt Arthur is utilizing a composting system on his farm not common to…
484: Kristie Kapp on Eco-Edible Landscaping

Helping others understand and create food forests. – In This Podcast: Eco-edible landscaping sounds like a cool new method, but it incorporates many of the tried and true methods of permaculture. Kristie Kapp educates on building a food forest and how to incorporate 7 layers, support plants, and…
Raising Nutritious Insects to Cut the Cost of Raising Your Flock

By Anne-Marie Miller. As requested, I am filling everyone in on how to raise nutritious protein filled insects for your flock of egg laying divas! Thank you for letting me know what you wanted to hear about! I am so excited to share this with you, because it has helped me to greatly reduce my dependence on commercial chicken feed.
187: Sherrie Pelsma on Macro Photography in the Garden

Greg gets a chance to talk with Sherrie about her garden photography. Sheri has been developing her skills with macro photography and loves to share the results with her projects and her community. Here she helps explains the basics of garden photography, and tells how looking through the camera lens has given her a whole new perspective on the tiny lifeforms around her.
Nutrition is a Can of Worms

Nutrition is a can of worms! Only this time, it is a good thing 500 grams. This is the amount that everybody eats on average in insects per year. […]