646: Loving Those Legumes

A Seed Chat with Bill McDorman. – This is the October 2021 live Seed Saving Class discussing legumes. Beans and peas are great to eat and also great for your soil. Incorporating them into your garden rotation is smart and delicious. Pollinators also love legumes so it’s a win-win all around. Plant them along…

592: Saving Seeds of Onions, Umbels, & More

A seed chat with Bill McDorman. This is the March 2021 episode of a live Seed Saving Class discussing the many varieties of umbels, unique characteristics of onions and garlic, as well as so much more on aspects of permaculture as it relates to saving seeds.

RECIPE: Garden Escargot

by Guest blogger: Molly Watson — Those snails in your garden aren’t just edible, they are the authentic ingredient for classic escargot—snails in garlic butter. Once you’ve captured them (if your garden has snails, you know to look on the underside of furniture and under large leaves to find them) and purged them as outlined…

462: Molly Watson on Harvesting Garden Snails

Turning garden pests into edible treats. — In This Podcast: Her 9-year-old son wanted to eat snails while in France, and once home he wanted to eat the garden snails too – so food writer Molly Watson did the research and figured out how to harvest and cook the snails they collected. Her down to earth descriptions can help any gardener who wondered if the pests had an edible purpose. She also shares…

RECIPE: Garlic and Herb Focaccia

By Guest Blogger: Ron Mantini – We enjoy making this bread on Sundays in my home as Sunday is always Pasta day and bread is a fantastic side dish for any pasta.  The smell of the focaccia baking is incredible and all of my kids start running to the kitchen when they get whiff of it.  Its especially a great use of our fresh…

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