542: Paul Lightfoot on Local is the New Organic.

542: Paul Lightfoot on Local is the New Organic.

Bringing awareness to the value of local food systems. Picture buying salad greens at the grocery store that were just picked the day before. Paul Lightfoot from BrightFarms is making this happen in the stores around their farm. Passionate about getting fresh food to…

525: David Chan on Regenerative Agriculture

525: David Chan on Regenerative Agriculture.

Seeking climate change solutions through sustainable farming investments. – In This Podcast: Want a way to combat climate change and make a good financial investment? David Chan explains the social and financial benefits of agricultural real estate investing. The FarmTogether system brings…

338: Tim Intfen on Re-purposing Perishable Ingredients

338: Tim Intfen on Re-purposing Perishable Ingredients. Reducing food waste in the supply chain. Tim is the President and Co-Founder of InField Market – their mission…to reduce food waste and offer opportunity. […]

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