732: Aurora Rogers on Resilient Pioneering

Homesteading off the grid. – Join Aurora Rogers and Greg for a lively conversation about resiliency, home steading, low grid and becoming financially free. Aurora is a Venezuelan designer and process consultant devoted to creating resilient frameworks for every area of her life. Her husband of 24 years is Jason, who is an…

724: Phyllis Stiles on the Bee City USA Program

Appreciating the variety of pollinators that visit our gardens. – Phyllis Stiles is someone who loves to create a buzz about pollinators. She became fascinated with bees when she started keeping her own, and that led to an appreciation of and sense of responsibility for all pollinators. As she became aware of the problems they face, she decided to do something…

664: Growing Flowers to Love Your Veggies

A Garden Chat with Lisa Ziegler. – Every vegetable garden can benefit from having beautiful flowers in and around the area. Beautiful blooms can boost the aesthetics and add a wide pallet of colors. Some flowers can repel unwanted pests, and some flowers can bring in healthy pollinators. Some flowers are even…

657: Vicki Hird on Rebugging the Planet

Renewing Our Relationships with Bugs. – Wait…Don’t step on that bug! Vicki Hird introduces us to the fascinating world of bugs, showing us a whole new way to think about our insect and invertebrate friends. She invites us to look a little closer so we can begin to appreciate bugs not only for the many essential…

650: Jennifer Foltz Sweat on Urban Bees

Working toward bee conservation and biodiversity in urban areas. – Jennifer Foltz-Sweat opens our eyes to the wide world of bees. By now many of us have heard that bees are a crucial element of the environment, but what should we do with that knowledge? Jennifer explains easy things we can do to…

639: Keeping Bees

A Farmer Friday interview with Nicole Gennetta: Nicole, a Master Beekeeper, sets us on the path to successful beekeeping by sharing the 5 steps she recommends beginners take before getting any bees. She tells how to determine if bees are legal on your property, and she recommends…

Monthly Garden Chat “Partnering With Nature”

“Partnering With Nature” with Farmer Greg and Special Guest Jessica Walliser of Savvy Gardening. Join us for a monthly Zoom class on a variety of Gardening Topics. Greg and a special guest will host our monthly Garden Chats focusing on new topic each month. This monthly class will take place on the last Tuesday of the month, from 5-6pm AZ time.

558: Jason Johns on Saving Our Bees

Jason Johns profile pic

Creating a relationship with tiny garden workers. Bees are a vital resource for the existence of ecosystems, yet their habitats are threatened everyday. Jason Johns is the author of several books, including his new book Save Our Bees, which shares valuable insights on how home gardeners can enhance bee populations. Listen in to learn about the importance of biodiversity, planting native flowers, urban impacts, and the inspiration behind Jason’s new book.

Ten Tips for a Thriving Pollinator Victory Garden

Make a big difference in your garden. The passion and urgency that inspired the Victory Gardens of World Wars I and II are needed today to meet another threat to our food supply and our environment—the steep decline of pollinators. Want to help pollinators and create a beautiful garden? Here are ten tips from…

557: Kim Eierman on Pollinator Victory Gardens

Calling bees, butterflies, and more to your landscape There is a lot of focus on the importance of pollinators, yet there is still a concerning decline in populations. Kim Eierman, author of The Pollinator Victory Garden, specializes in environmental horticulture, and is encouraging gardeners to…

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Learn The Urban Farm's Story! My Ordinary Extraordinary Yard will inspire YOU on your food growing journey to live your most healthy, abundant, and self-sufficient life.