648: Tony Horn on Living in Harmony.

Returning to Living As We Were Designed.

In This Podcast:

Listen as Tony Horn shows us where to look and what to do to rediscover peace in our lives.  Tony shares his key definition of peace and his vision of a beautiful world where humans are once again living as nature intended.   He explains that the biggest human struggles we face today have surfaced recently and are of our own making, but he believes we do have the power to eliminate these problems.  First, though, we must wake up, gather together, and be willing to change.

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Our Guest:

Tony Horn is an educator and author. He has taught both junior high and college students, and has many years of corporate experience as an Instructional Designer.  He is an author of several books including:  The Three R’s: Government for the Way People Live and his most recent book Change or Perish.  He’s also the founder of Community Groove, Inc., a non-profit company dedicated to rebuilding strong communities globally.  He lives in Sun Lakes, AZ where he writes and enjoys playing tennis.

Listen in and learn about:

    • Tony started out as an idealist and is still an idealist.
    • The struggle humans are facing today
    • Motivating people to wake up enough to change
    • Most problems in the world are only human problems
    • Nutritional value of grocery store produce
    • Regenerative farming as Tony sees it
    • Regenerating the soil has positive effects on the environment
    • Peace – Tony’s defininition
    • Opening the door to change despite the large obstacle presented by government
    • What not to focus on if you want to discover peace
    • Coming up with the title for his book, Change or Perish
    • Asking good questions leads to good decisions

As well as:

His failure – “We don’t have much of a following right now.”

His success – “Just another human being, another bozo on the bus, ….. dying for us all to get together, join and see if we can’t get on a path that…. takes us to peace”

His drive – “My heart is where the passion is.”

His advice – “Keep doing what you’re doing.” and “Let’s come together.  Let’s look for the similarities, not the differences.”

Books written by Tony:

The Three R’s: Government for the Way People live

Change or Perish: We MUST Return to Peace

Tony’s Book recommendation:   

The Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh

How to reach Tony:

Website:  areturntopeace.com   and   communitygroove.org

Facebook:  areturntopeace

Amazon author page:  Anthony Horn



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