347: Theresa Rooney on Humane Critter Control.
Keeping critters and pests at bay humanely and safely.

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In This Podcast:
Dealing with pests in your garden or farm can be overwhelming unless you can change your perspective. Having her yard become a wildlife habitat gave Theresa Rooney a chance to reconsider what was bringing the small visitors into her space and why they may or may not be welcome. For those wishing to find more humane ways of controlling the critters, she has some suggestions that will help.
Listen in and learn about:
- Growing up thinking that plants and animals were standard in most homes
- Becoming a Master Gardener and learning she really wanted to help others
- Having her yard as a Certified National Wildlife Habitat
- Adapting to some welcome and unwelcome animals
- Making the choice to use or not use chemicals – especially when you don’t need to
- Plants that help control critters
- Abundance as a key so there is plenty for everyone
- Big fragrance herbs as a natural repellant
- Dealing with extremely problematic critters like rats
- Think like an animal or insect
- Doing your part to help reduce available food for nighttime critters
- Protecting chickens
- The questions to ask when bugs start to appear
As well as:
Her failure – getting frustrated at the critters in her Certified National Wildlife Habitat yard
Her success – Seeing how things are working together in her yard
Her drive – knowing the world is in a precarious position and helping others look for ways to heal this planet
Her advice – If you think you have a problem, identify it, think it through, then look for a humane answer
Books written by Theresa:Theresa’s Book recommendations:
How to reach Theresa:
Facebook: Theresa Rooney
Email: terry.1998.tr@gmail.com
This episode was sponsored by The Food Revolution Summit. Visit www.urbanfarm.org/summit to support our show and learn more.
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